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Jacob Lee - Breadcrumbs I've been away a little while And it don't make sense to me Haven't seen you in a little while And I get a bit lonely But do you ever wonder Where I went? Do you ever leave the lights on At 7:30 when I would go to bed? Do you ever wonder Where I've been? For so long Mum and Dad Did you ever search for me? I swear when they think I'm asleep I hear you on their TV screens Keep calling out my name .. 2021. 9. 18.
Plàsi / Vienna I'm on my way to something new And so are they, and so are you Back to a time we all went through Leaving the grown up times behind Put in reverse, go back in time Waking up stories that turned blind Will you follow, tomorrow, on a route? Round in circles, turn around we need a boot Throw your sorrows, be prepared to put on mute Universal, there’s no limit in your suit Oh Vienna my, we come in l.. 2021. 9. 8.
Avicii - Heaven ft. Chris Martin Step out into the dawn You pray 'til, you pray 'til the lights come on And then you feel like you've just been born Yeah, you come to raise me up When I'm beaten and broken up And now I'm back in the arms I love And I think I just died I think I just died Yeah, I think I just died I think I just died And went to heaven And went to heaven Beaten and bathed in blood I'm hit by, I'm hit by your lov.. 2021. 9. 7.
Billie Eilish / Your Power Try not to abuse your power I know we didn't choose to change You might not wanna lose your power But havin' it's so strange She said you were a hero You played the part But you ruined her in a year Don't act like it was hard And you swear you didn't know (Didn't know) No wonder why you didn't ask She was sleepin' in your clothes (In your clothes) But now she's got to get to class How dare you? .. 2021. 9. 7.
CYN - I'll Still Have Me I broke my back 'cause I thought you would too I'd run in circles I thought you would too Maybe in another life Everything worked out alright And things that made this harder passed us by But there's no bad dream to wake up from Know I got it bad when it's the morning And you're all that's on my mind If I don't have you At least I'll still have me And if I don't have you At least I'll still have.. 2021. 9. 7.
Justin Bieber- Off My Face/ Lifetime Off My Face 더보기 One touch and you got me stoned Higher than I've ever known You call the shots and I follow Sunrise, but the night still young No words, but we speak in tongues If you let me, I might say too much Your touch blurred my vision It's your world and I'm just in it Even sober I'm not thinkin' straight 'Cause I'm off my face, in love with you I'm out my head, so into you And I don't kn.. 2021. 9. 7.
Emily Burns - I’m So Happy I don't think my friends or my family know me I'd rather be alone than be left to feel lonely But lately, I've been thinking I don't wanna be anywhere else 'Cause I think I like me better when I'm waking up slow at your house I've never really felt this way before I'm so happy It's a problem I think I better brace myself Soon I'll be hitting rock bottom I'm so happy It's an issue 'Cause you're r.. 2021. 8. 28.
Etham - 12:45 It's 12:45 on a Tuesday, and I don't really care what you say I'm just getting off my face tonight 'Cause I'm just tryna live to the weekend And I don't know how I'm supposed to breathe when Everything you say is playing on my mind You don't know where I've been and you don't know what I'm drinkin' I need a moment to think about nothing at all Oh, baby, you gotta stop I see that you're calling I.. 2021. 8. 28.
Calum Scott / You Are The Reason There goes my heart beating 'Cause you are the reason I'm losing my sleep Please come back now And there goes my mind racing And you are the reason That I'm still breathing I'm hopeless now ​ I'd climb every mountain And swim every ocean Just to be with you And fix what I've broken Oh, 'cause I need you to see That you are the reason ​ There goes my hand shaking And you are the reason My heart k.. 2021. 8. 21.
Coldplay / Fix You When you try your best, but you don't succeed When you get what you want but not what you need When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep Stuck in reverse And the tears come streaming down your face When you lose something, you can't replace When you love someone, but it goes to waste Could it be worse? Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you And high up above.. 2021. 8. 21.
조용필 - 바람의 노래 이젠 그랬으면 좋겠네 바람의 노래 (출처 : 여러 음악 창고 님) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_067MeuFUw 2021. 8. 14.
GIMS GIMS & Sting / Reste 더보기 Reste Comme la lune, la nuit apparaît dans ma vie Comme une étincelle elle met le feu sous la pluie Elle a fait de moi la victime de mes insomnies Et j'me demande comment j'ai fait pour tenir jusqu'ici Et si jamais je m'en vais Mais tu iras où, où, où si jamais je m'en vais Ça m'rendrait eh, eh, eh si jamais tu partais Mais tu iras où, où, où si jamais je m'en vais Ça m'.. 2021. 8. 13.
George Ezra Listen to the Man 더보기 Listen to the Man I feel your head resting heavy on your single bed I want to hear all about it, get it all of your chest, oh I feel the tears and you're not alone, oh When I hold you, well I won't let go, oh Why should we care for what they're selling us anyway? We're so younger than you know, whoa You don't have to be there, babe You don't have to be scared, babe You don'.. 2021. 8. 13.
Daniel Boone / Beautiful Sunday Beautiful Sunday 1972 Sunday morning, up with the lark I think I'll take a walk in the park Hey hey hey, it's a beautiful day ​ I've got someone waiting for me And when I see her I know that she'll say Hey hey hey, It' a beautiful day ​ Hi hi hi, beautiful Sunday This is my my my beautiful day When you said said said said that you loved me Oh my my my its a beautiful day ​ ​ Birds are singing, y.. 2021. 8. 12.
Anson seabra that's us 더보기 that's us I shoulda known it wouldn't happen 'cause it wasn't right I shoulda known it 'cause it happens every God damn time Almost thought we could've been something Almost thought we could have tried, but It didn't happen so I need you to get out my life But the other night I had you in my head Called you on the phone Want you stealing my time even though I said I wanna be alone .. 2021. 8. 2.
Bothnia / Wrong Side of the Mountain Putting our life in boxes Erasing the memories so you won’t notice I’m taking the time to focus You’re by yourself I’m by myself Wish I could solve your problems They’re stuck on my wall like neon painting And I’m so tired of being honest To everyone but myself I do it so well We were so good at flying But we can’t keep flying We keep getting stuck on the wrong side of the mountain We were so go.. 2021. 8. 2.
김남덕 / 큰나무 큰나무/글.사진 김남덕 강원도의 커다란 나무들 이야기. 읽다가 책에 소개된 나무들을 하나 씩(한 분씩?) 만나러 가봐야겠다는 생각이 들 만큼 좋았다. 첫 방문은 도피안사의 느티나무. 처음 가 본 도피안사. 오랜 옛날엔 산이 절을 품고 절이 나무를 품었을 테지만, 이젠 절이 나무의 시간에 안겨있는 듯한 모습에 마음이 찡해지던. #큰나무 #김남덕 #철원_도피안사_느티나무 ▼ 2021년 4월 초의 도피안사 2021. 8. 2.
숲은 생각한다 : 숲은 생각한다 : 에두아르도 콘 지음 생각했던 것과 다소 다른 방향의 책이었지만 (자연과학 코너에 있었는데 인문학 책이다) 여러 방향으로 폭넓게 볼 수 있는 시야를 선물받은 기분. 루나족과 숲의 유대를 통해 모든 생명체가 유기적 기호로 촘촘하게 얽혀있음을 포괄적이고 세밀하고 밀도있게 보여준다. 그들의 생존전략과 철학으로 촘촘하게 짜여진 천이 바로 숲과의 피드백이다. 여기에서 인본주의적 세계관은 설 자리도 없다. 책을 읽는 내내 그런 느낌이 들었다. 지구의 수많은 생명체 중 인간만이 언어와 영혼을 갖고 있다고 믿는 것과, 우주에 존재하는 수많은 행성들 중 지구에만 생명체가 있다고 믿는 것, 무엇이 다를까. . . 하나가 고양이 말로 무언가를 열심히 설명해주려는 꿈을 꾸었다. 그저 냐옹 냐앙 냥냥 냐우우웅냥.. 2021. 8. 2.
Sasha Sloan Is It Just Me 더보기 Is It Just Me Is it just me? Is it just me? I hate holding babies and people tryna save me Think religion is a business where you pay for God's forgiveness Modern art is borin', politicians are annoyin' I don't think love lasts forever and old music was better Am I just high Or am I kinda right? Is it just me or does anybody Feel the way that I feel? They're just not being real.. 2021. 7. 28.
나무에서 숲을 보다 나무에서 숲을 보다. 작가가 5000평 규모의 그림다이크 숲을 직접 사서 관찰한 기록을 달 별로 엮은 책. 고생물학자여서 그런지 숲에 관련된 일반적인 책보다 어딘가 세속적(?)이다. 덕분에 인간과 자연의 현실적 공생에 대해 많이 생각하게 됨. . 예) 일반책 : 다람쥐를 위해 산에서 도토리를 가져오지 맙시다🌰🐿 이 책 : 욕심쟁이 청설모가 다 먹어치우기 전에 얼른 가져가야지😆 가끔 한 챕터가 끝날 때마다 요리나 너도밤나무 술담그기, 체리 잼, 비료 팁 등을 제공해주어서 읽는 재미도 쏠쏠하다. . 덕분에 모래군의 열두달이 다시 읽고 싶어져 장바구니에 넣었다. 또 데자뷰 같다고 쉐프님이 말했는데😅 이번엔 몇 년 전에 어떤 분께 드린 걸 기억하므로...😁 The Wood for the Trees #리처드포티 .. 2021. 7. 27.
이스라지 이스라지 Korean bush cherry 당옥매(唐玉梅)·참옥매화라고도 한다. 앵두나무와 흡사하고 열매 역시 작지만 앵두와 비슷해서 산앵두라 부른다. 유사종으로 잎맥에 털이 많은 것을 털이스라지, 작은 꽃자루에 털이 없고 꽃받침 조각에 톱니가 있으며 씨방과 암술대의 밑 부분에 갈색 털이 빽빽이 나는 것을 산이스라지라 한다. 우리나라가 원산지이다. 나무껍질은 회갈색이다. 방향성이 있다. 이스라지의 씨를 욱리인이라 한다. 여기서 욱(郁)은 '향기가 가득하다'는 뜻이며 이스라지의 꽃과 열매가 작지만 모두 향기롭기 때문에 생긴 이름이다. 관상용·식용·약용으로 이용된다. 과육은 떫지만 먹을 수 있고, 씨 속에 들어 있는 알맹이를 약용한다. 약으로 쓸 때는 탕으로 하거나 환제 또는 산제로 하여 사용한다. 2021. 7. 23.
Kendji Girac / Dans mes bras Dans mes bras 더보기 Je t'ai vue, j'imagine la suite Je t'ai vue, j'ai compris tout de suite, trop vite Que je ferais le premier pas, yeah T'es toujours sur la défensive Aucun homme sur toi n'a d'emprise, trop vite Tu fais le vide autour de toi, eh J'ai beau me dire que je ne suis pas de taille Je fais semblant devant toi comme si c'était normal Et, si, si jamais c'était possible J'enlèverai toutes.. 2021. 7. 23.
One Direction / Little Things Little Things Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me But bear this mind, it was meant to be And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks And it all makes sense to me ​ I know you've never loved The crinkles by your eyes when you smile You've never loved your stomach or your thighs The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine But I'll love them endlessly ​ I won.. 2021. 7. 23.
Lady Gaga Always Remember Us This Way 더보기 Always Remember Us This Way That Arizona sky burnin' in your eyes You look at me and, babe, I wanna catch on fire It's buried in my soul like California gold You found the light in me that I couldn't find ​ So when I'm all choked up But I can't find the words Every time we say goodbye Baby, it hurts When the sun goes down And the band won't play I'll always rememb.. 2021. 7. 23.
Conan Gray The Other Side (2019) 더보기 The Other Side (2019) I've got tired eyes, a black sky Making its home under my lash line You keep on crying, babe, I don't mind I'll keep on staring at the clock tryna pass time In my life, it flies by Faster than you could say, "I love you, goodbye" "It's almost over," you say with a sigh Will our lives be better when we make it to the other side? Ah, ah I hope we mak.. 2021. 7. 20.
Lewis Capaldi / Someone you loved I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy I need somebody to heal Somebody to know Somebody to have Somebody to hold It's easy to say But it's never the same I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain Now the day bleeds Into nightfall And you're not here To get me through it all I let my guard down And then .. 2021. 7. 20.
Amir / Longtemps J'veux des problèmes J'veux qu'tes galères deviennent les miennes J'veux qu'tu m'balances au visage tes orages, tes peines Pour des nuits diluviennes J'veux qu'on s'apprenne J'veux partager tes joies, tes migraines Ton corps me donne le vertige et tes mains me mènent Où rien ne nous gêne ​ J'pourrais m'tatouer notre histoire sur le bras Me mettre dans de beaux draps si t'es avec moi C'est toi da.. 2021. 7. 20.
James Blunt / If Time Is all I Have If Time Is all I Have When you wake up Turn your radio on and you'll hear this simple song That I made up That I made up for you When you're drivin Turn your radio up Cause I can't sing loud enough Hard these days To get my message through ​ If time is all I have I'll waste it all on you Each day I'll turn it back It's what the broken-hearted do I'm tired of talking to an empty space of silences.. 2021. 7. 20.